On Textpattern, Apache and Git
This weekend I’ve re-started on a website that I was meant to have finished ages ago. Now that I have all of those extra minutes per day having extracted myself from Facebook’s clutches, I’ve resolved to get it finished and get it finished I shall.
Rather than re-inventing wheels, like I did with my own website, I’ve opted to build this site using Textpattern. So far it seems pretty straightforward. This is ideal as I don’t intend to maintain the new website (another good reason not to hand-crafting my own Perl, PHP or Python).
One thing that did take a while to get working, however, is getting ‘Clean
URLs’, those without question marks and ampersands all over the place, to work.
Thankfully like so many things, this is a solved
For future reference, the solution was easy for the virtual host on my MacBook
Pro, with just one AllowOverride line needed in
Incidentally, I’m keeping both /path/to/website
and /private/etc/apache2
under source control with Git, as I am doing with pretty
much everything I do these days. Git is version control done correctly. Thank
you, Linus!