

Eventuate is a browser extension. It extracts information from parkrun results pages for inclusion in reports.


I wrote this while volunteering as a Run Director at the beautiful Brimbank parkrun, to make it easy to celebrate our community’s achievements on the Brimbank parkrun Facebook page. I am sharing it so that you get to enjoy it too.

How much

Free. For everyone. Forever. Of course.


As soon as the latest results page loads for an event, you’ll see some useful text before the results table is displayed, including:

Eventuate extension showing results summary


The source code is freely available on GitHub and releases are available in a range of formats, including packages for your browser of choice.

Apple charge a fee to distribute software through their App Store, so Eventuate is not available as an extension for Safari. Safari and mobile users have two options available to them, in the forms of a bookmarklet and a userscript.

Grab your free bookmarklet or userscript!

The Chromium extension for Google Chrome is compatible with other browsers including Microsoft Edge and Opera. Please report any issues you encounter using this on other browsers.